


① 执行前两个赋值语句:"a=a∧b;"和"b=b∧a;"相当于b=b∧(a∧b)。
② 再执行第三个赋值语句:

#include <stdio.h>
int a=3;
int b = 4;
printf("a=%d b=%d",a,b);

wget 下载整个网站,或者特定目录


wget -c -r -np -k -L -p www.xxx.org/pub/path/


wget -np -nH -r --span-hosts www.xxx.org/pub/path/

-c 断点续传
-r 递归下载,下载指定网页某一目录下(包括子目录)的所有文件
-nd 递归下载时不创建一层一层的目录,把所有的文件下载到当前目录
-np 递归下载时不搜索上层目录,如wget -c -r www.xxx.org/pub/path/
-k 将绝对链接转为相对链接,下载整个站点后脱机浏览网页,最好加上这个参数
-L 递归时不进入其它主机,如wget -c -r www.xxx.org/
-p 下载网页所需的所有文件,如图片等
-A 指定要下载的文件样式列表,多个样式用逗号分隔
-i 后面跟一个文件,文件内指明要下载的URL



Usage: wget [OPTION]… [URL]…

* 用wget做站点镜像:
wget -r -p -np -k http://dsec.pku.edu.cn/~usr_name/
# 或者
wget -m http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/

* 在不稳定的网络上下载一个部分下载的文件,以及在空闲时段下载
wget -t 0 -w 31 -c http://dsec.pku.edu.cn/BBC.avi -o down.log &
# 或者从filelist读入要下载的文件列表
wget -t 0 -w 31 -c -B ftp://dsec.pku.edu.cn/linuxsoft -i filelist.txt -o
down.log &


* 使用代理下载
wget -Y on -p -k https://sourceforge.net/projects/wvware/


# 在环境变量中设定代理
export PROXY=
# 在~/.wgetrc中设定代理
http_proxy = http://proxy.yoyodyne.com:18023/
ftp_proxy = http://proxy.yoyodyne.com:18023/


* 启动

-V, –version 显示wget的版本后退出
-h, –help 打印语法帮助
-b, –background 启动后转入后台执行
-e, –execute=COMMAND

* 记录和输入文件

-o, –output-file=FILE 把记录写到FILE文件中
-a, –append-output=FILE 把记录追加到FILE文件中
-d, –debug 打印调试输出
-q, –quiet 安静模式(没有输出)
-v, –verbose 冗长模式(这是缺省设置)
-nv, –non-verbose 关掉冗长模式,但不是安静模式
-i, –input-file=FILE 下载在FILE文件中出现的URLs
-F, –force-html 把输入文件当作HTML格式文件对待
-B, –base=URL 将URL作为在-F -i参数指定的文件中出现的相对链接的前缀
–sslcertfile=FILE 可选客户端证书
–sslcertkey=KEYFILE 可选客户端证书的KEYFILE
–egd-file=FILE 指定EGD socket的文件名

* 下载

-t, –tries=NUMBER 设定最大尝试链接次数(0 表示无限制).
-O –output-document=FILE 把文档写到FILE文件中
-nc, –no-clobber 不要覆盖存在的文件或使用.#前缀
-c, –continue 接着下载没下载完的文件
–progress=TYPE 设定进程条标记
-N, –timestamping 不要重新下载文件除非比本地文件新
-S, –server-response 打印服务器的回应
–spider 不下载任何东西
-T, –timeout=SECONDS 设定响应超时的秒数
-w, –wait=SECONDS 两次尝试之间间隔SECONDS秒
–waitretry=SECONDS 在重新链接之间等待1…SECONDS秒
–random-wait 在下载之间等待0…2*WAIT秒
-Y, –proxy=on/off 打开或关闭代理
-Q, –quota=NUMBER 设置下载的容量限制
–limit-rate=RATE 限定下载输率

* 目录

-nd –no-directories 不创建目录
-x, –force-directories 强制创建目录
-nH, –no-host-directories 不创建主机目录
-P, –directory-prefix=PREFIX 将文件保存到目录 PREFIX/…
–cut-dirs=NUMBER 忽略 NUMBER层远程目录

* HTTP 选项

–http-user=USER 设定HTTP用户名为 USER.
–http-passwd=PASS 设定http密码为 PASS.
-C, –cache=on/off 允许/不允许服务器端的数据缓存 (一般情况下允许).
-E, –html-extension 将所有text/html文档以.html扩展名保存
–ignore-length 忽略 `Content-Length'头域
–header=STRING 在headers中插入字符串 STRING
–proxy-user=USER 设定代理的用户名为 USER
–proxy-passwd=PASS 设定代理的密码为 PASS
–referer=URL 在HTTP请求中包含 `Referer: URL'头
-s, –save-headers 保存HTTP头到文件
-U, –user-agent=AGENT 设定代理的名称为 AGENT而不是 Wget/VERSION.
–no-http-keep-alive 关闭 HTTP活动链接 (永远链接).
–cookies=off 不使用 cookies.
–load-cookies=FILE 在开始会话前从文件 FILE中加载cookie
–save-cookies=FILE 在会话结束后将 cookies保存到 FILE文件中

* FTP 选项

-nr, –dont-remove-listing 不移走 `.listing'文件
-g, –glob=on/off 打开或关闭文件名的 globbing机制
–passive-ftp 使用被动传输模式 (缺省值).
–active-ftp 使用主动传输模式
–retr-symlinks 在递归的时候,将链接指向文件(而不是目录)

* 递归下载

-r, –recursive 递归下载--慎用!
-l, –level=NUMBER 最大递归深度 (inf 或 0 代表无穷).
–delete-after 在现在完毕后局部删除文件
-k, –convert-links 转换非相对链接为相对链接
-K, –backup-converted 在转换文件X之前,将之备份为 X.orig
-m, –mirror 等价于 -r -N -l inf -nr.
-p, –page-requisites 下载显示HTML文件的所有图片

* 递归下载中的包含和不包含(accept/reject)

-A, –accept=LIST 分号分隔的被接受扩展名的列表
-R, –reject=LIST 分号分隔的不被接受的扩展名的列表
-D, –domains=LIST 分号分隔的被接受域的列表
–exclude-domains=LIST 分号分隔的不被接受的域的列表
–follow-ftp 跟踪HTML文档中的FTP链接
–follow-tags=LIST 分号分隔的被跟踪的HTML标签的列表
-G, –ignore-tags=LIST 分号分隔的被忽略的HTML标签的列表
-H, –span-hosts 当递归时转到外部主机
-L, –relative 仅仅跟踪相对链接
-I, –include-directories=LIST 允许目录的列表
-X, –exclude-directories=LIST 不被包含目录的列表
-np, –no-parent 不要追溯到父目录

How To Install OpenOffice 3.2 In Ubuntu (.deb Download)

I initially wanted to wait for the PPA (OpenOffice Scribblers) to get
OpenOffice 3.2 but it seems that takes way too much time and I'm not going
to wait until Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04) to install the latest OpenOffice
3.2 (even though Ubuntu uses OO-Go, an optimized version of OpenOffice),
so I decided to download and install OOo 3.2 on my Ubuntu Karmic from its
official website. The installation was very easy and fast so I wanted to
share the steps with any WebUpd8 readers who don't want to wait for the
PPA (which might take a long time) or Ubuntu Lucid to upgrade (well,
actually do a fresh install) to OpenOffice.org 3.2.

Before proceeding to the OpenOffice 3.2 installation (from its website),
please note that there are quite a few differences between this version of
OpenOffice.org and the OpenOffice.org version from the Ubuntu
repositories! Like I said above, Ubuntu uses an optimized version of
OpenOffice.org called OO-Go. Read more about OO-Go, HERE.

If you want to install Go-OO (from it's official website, not Ubuntu
repositories) 3.2 in Ubuntu, see: How To Install Go-OO 3.2 In Ubuntu Linux.

How to install OpenOffice 3.2 in Ubuntu

1. The first thing you need to do (very important) is completely remove
any OpenOffice packages you may have installed on your Ubuntu computer:
sudo apt-get remove openoffice*

2. Then, to download and install OpenOffice 3.2 in Ubuntu, simply copy &
paste the commands below in a terminal (what the commands do is download
the .tar.gz archive which includes Ubuntu .deb files, extract the files
and then install them all recursively):

Ubuntu 32bit:
tar -xvf OOo_3.2.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz
cd OOO320_m12_native_packed-1_en-US.9483/
sudo dpkg -iR DEBS/

Ubuntu 64bit:
tar -xvf OOo_3.2.0_LinuxX86-64_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz
cd OOO320_m12_native_packed-1_en-US.9483/
sudo dpkg -iR DEBS/

If you want to manually download OpenOffice 3.2 .debs, get the archive
from HERE (chose either "Linux 32-bit DEB" or "Linux 64-bit DEB" depending
on your Ubuntu installed architecture).

Please note that the commands above are customized for the US language
OpenOffice.org. If you download OpenOffice 3.2 for a different language,
adjust the language in the file names in the commands!

How To Install Go-OO 3.2 In Ubuntu

Like you probably know, there are no official OpenOffice.org packages in
the Ubuntu repositories for the latest version (3.2) and also no packages
in the OpenOffice.org Scribblers PPA (for now at least).

We wrote about installing OpenOffice 3.2 in Ubuntu from it's official
website but that's not the same OpenOffice.org as the one in the Ubuntu
repositories because Ubuntu uses Go-OO, an optimized version of
OpenOffice. Well, here is how to install this optimized version called
Go-OO. You can learn more about Go-OO @ it's official website.

Before installing, please note:
Even though Ubuntu uses Go-OO, the version you will install by following
the instructions in this post is still not 100% the same as the one in the
Ubuntu repositories (obviously)
There are no Go-OO .deb files for Ubuntu so you will have to convert the
.rpm files to .deb. This is not an exactly proper way of installing Go-OO,
but it will work fine anyway.

This being said, you can proceed to installing Go-OO 3.2 in Ubuntu:

1. Remove the OpenOffice.org packages:

sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org*

2. Install alien to convert the .rpm files to .deb:

sudo apt-get install alien

3. Download Go-OO 3.2:
mkdir go-oo && cd go-oo
wget http://go-oo.org/download/download-go-oo.py
sudo chmod +x download-go-oo.py

The commands above will create a folder called "go-oo" and download a
script from the Go-OO website which will fetch all the Go-OO 3.2 .rpm
files for you.

Before running the last command above, please note that you can customize
it to download packages for a certain architecture or localisation

Usage: ./download-go-oo.py [--localization=] [--distribution=]
[--system= version=]

--localization - language to download (default: en_US)
--distribution - distribution for which the menus are dowloaded
(default: freedesktop)
--system - architecture to dowloaded (default: linux-i586)
--version - version to download (default: 3.2)

Supported languages:
af, ar, as, be, bg, bn, bn_BD, bn_IN, bo, br, brx, bs, by, ca, cs, cy, da,
de, dgo, dz, el, en_GB, en_US, en_ZA, eo, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, ga, gd,
gl, gu, gu_IN, he, hi, hr, hu, is, it, ja, ka, kid, kk, km, kn, ko, kok,
ks, ku, ky, lo, lt, lv, mai, mk, ml, mn, mni, mr, ms, my, nb, ne, nl, nn,
nr, ns, oc, om, or, pa, pap, pl, ps, pt, pt_BR, ro, ru, rw, sa, sat, sc,
sd, sh, si, sk, sl, sr, ss, st, sv, sw, sw_TZ, ta, te, tg, th, ti, tn, tr,
ts, ug, uk, ur, uz, ve, vi, xh, zh_CN, zh_TW, zu

Supported distributions:
freedesktop, mandriva, redhat, suse

Supported systems:
linux-i586, linux-x86, linux-x86_64

For Ubuntu 32bit and English language, you can just run the script as the
default options are enough.

4. Install Go-OO 3.2 in Ubuntu

You can either directly install the .rpm files using alien, or convert the
.rpm files to .deb so you can directly distribute them, etc.

method 1 -> directly install Go-OO 3.2
sudo alien -i *.rpm

method 2 -> convert the Go-OO 3.2 packages to .deb and then install them:
sudo alien -d *.rpm
sudo dpkg -i *.deb